Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Dinner--Sort of!

Scott and I were so excited to have the Elders coming for dinner on Thursday.  All the food was purchased.  I even bought dishes that we could serve the food in.  The turkey was in the refrigerator and Wednesday night I started working on pies.  At about 7:45 the apartment went black.  That beautiful snow I was admiring earlier in the day was wreaking havoc in New Hampshire.  Apparently there was a statewide power outage and thousands of homes no longer had power.  I was sure that it would come back on soon so I settled down and enjoyed the quiet and read from my Kindle.  When my tablet no longer had any battery left I headed off to bed.  I figured I'd just have to work the pies into my schedule Thanksgiving morning.  Sure enough about 7:15 the power turned on and I got busy with the pies---for about ten minutes.  That's right.  Power off again and now I am in trouble.  We didn't have a barbecue.  We did have an electric stove and we were in trouble. The missionaries came over at about 10:30 and we came up with a plan B. Find a restaurant!  All is good until we left the apartment at 12:30 locking the door behind us--with the keys sitting on the kitchen table. Missionaries could drive so we left our troubles behind and headed to find a place to eat.  We did find a restaurant, Ruby Tuesday.  Unfortunately, so did a large amount of Concord residents who were also disappointed and out of electricity.  It took us almost three hours from the time we left our apartment until we finished at the restaurant.  But I have to say the food was very good--just not very traditional!

Now we had to deal with our dilemma back at the apartment.  We are locked out of our apartment.  Don't worry we have amazing young missionaries who took everything in stride.  After a phone call to a local member of the ward we had a ladder leaning against our bedroom window and Elder Johnston (in missionary attire) climbs up the ladder, pulls out his pocket knife, cuts the screen, and opens the window.  Problem solved.  Even more impressive to both Scott and I was that those two young men and the two sister missionaries had spent the morning out in the parking lot of our apartment complex helping the residents clear snow from dozens of cars and moving snow out of the way so cars could be moved before the snow plow came.  One of the people they helped was a new widow who  wasn't sure what she would do to get her car ready.  I am so amazed at the quality of the missionaries that are serving in our area.  I'm sure they are like that all over the world.

Oh by the way--we did get electricity--two days later!


  1. Wow! That will be a Thanksgiving to remember for sure!

  2. Lincoln says Dad looks like a robber. Haha!
