Saturday, November 1, 2014

Zone Conference

On Tuesday we drove to Sharon, Vermont for a zone conference.  What an amazing experience and oh how impressive our missionaries are!  We had thought we were going to a senior couple conference but as it turned out it was all of the young missionaries plus some of the senior couples who work in the area.  We have never been to a zone conference so everything was new to us.  The meeting was presided over by the Mission President, President Stoker, but the Assistants to the President conducted the meetings.  What an incredible group of elders and sisters and how wonderful it was to see them with scriptures open, making profound comments, and encouraging each other. I was thinking as I watched them how beautiful the scriptures are.  I have so enjoyed my tablet but, oh, the sight of those missionaries turning those pages, responding to questions put before them, and then putting their heads down again to seek further knowledge was incredibly humbling to see.  The meeting started at 9 a.m. and finished at 3 p.m. with a break for lunch.  During that time we saw two sisters teach their fellow missionaries how to respond to negative comments, that they may hear and how to teach correct principles.  We saw the church in action as President Stoker taught them about the atonement, a Church Social Services doctor telling them how to understand depression, especially when the weather changes in the coming months and the sun isn't shining and what some of the things they can do when they start feeling down or discouraged.  We learned along with the young missionaries what we needed to do when driving in the snow, that kitty litter is better than sand if you get stuck, not to use shovels to remove snow off the car, and to watch out for potholes!  We enjoyed a rousing scripture chase lead by Sister Stoker and then enjoyed a wonderful lunch provided by the South Royalton Ward.  When the lunch was done the Elders and Sisters stood and sang "Called to Serve Him" with the following words, "Called to serve the people of New England-With the gospel of our loving God--Teaching, preaching unto true repentance--Holding to the iron rod" to thank the wonderful ward members who prepared the meal.  Yes we cried!

Mothers and fathers of future missionaries--male or female; pray that your child will have a desire to serve a mission.  Pray that they will be able to serve a loving Heavenly Father who knows everything about them and what they are capable of.  Know that so many experiences will only be able to happen on a mission. Express your confidence in your child and, although you will worry the whole time they are gone, you can know that everything possible is done to protect these young servants of God.  "By their fruits shall ye know them" is so true--and right now Scott and I are experiencing this amazing phenomenon.

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