Sunday, January 11, 2015

Romeo & Juliet--The Real Story

On Friday evening the Tinkers in our ward called and asked if Scott could move their car so the snow scrapper would be able to scrape the parking spaces.  Brother Tinker has a serious heart condition and Sister Tinker had the flu.  He was more than happy to help so he left the apartment and walked over to their apartment where he cleaned off the car and moved it out of the way of the snow plow.   He had been gone for quite a while and I was starting to get a little worried about him.  At about the same time the neighbor above us was slamming things around and I could hear a little bit of yelling.  Not unusual for an apartment complex I thought.  This went on for about 10 minutes and the last time I was sure that someone had fallen over the balcony onto our balcony so I cautiously went up to the sliding glass door and peaked through the blinds.  I didn't see anything so I slowly opened the door to discover that Grandpa was standing ankle deep in the snow and had been throwing snowballs at our door for about ten minutes.  He had forgotten to take his keys and was locked out of the building.  Being the Juliet my response was "what are you doing down there?"  Bad question to ask a freezing man!  He wanted to know what took me so long to look outside and I explained that I was in the apartment by myself and was scared to death by the noises I was hearing.  I then went and retrieved his keys, threw them down to him, and then made him some hot chocolate!  Now if Romeo and Juliet would have had a similar experience they probably would have lived--because they wouldn't have spoken to each other ever again!

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