Thursday, February 26, 2015


Today when I was working on prepping the documents I saw a couple of interesting things that got me thinking.  Thought I would share my ideas.

1) On a request to change his name the person explained that his name was Little and he had wanted to change it because he had overhead people say..."he is Little by name and Little by nature."  Ouch!  Now I do understand the need to change your name some times but I was thinking that if he changed his name has he changed the perception that people had of him.  Sometimes we want a quick fix to our character flaws but the reality is when we have problems the only way around the problem is to go through it.  First he may have needed to develop a sense of humor and then he needed to work on changing others perception of his character.  When I was in elementary school a boy named Duane used to say to me "LAMBERT" like a bleating sheep.  That annoyed the heck out of me but now I always smile when I think about it.  Actually I am glad he knew my name!

2) I noticed on a Will this morning that a man put in one of his bequeaths that after he died he wanted $10.00 paid to someone who would shoot his horse and then bury him.  I just wondered how the horse might have felt about that!  How about paying for someone to put him out to pasture to enjoy his last nibbles of grass until he died by natural causes.  I guess we all have different ideas about love.

Just observing!

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