Sunday, December 20, 2015

Missionary Moments #68--Dec 20, 2015

To say we had an eventful week would probably be a gross exaggeration!  We did decide to drive to Pittsburgh....New Hampshire hoping to see some moose that a lady told us were everywhere up there.  Turned out that if they were there we didn't see them but in spite of that we had a great trip enjoying the many wonderful sights of northern New Hampshire and small parts of Vermont.  We actually crossed over the 45th Parallel and I know this because there was a sign stating this bit of geography trivia.  Yesterday we drove to Boston and enjoyed a wonderful production of the Nutcracker presented by the Boston Ballet Company. They were very good but the best Nutcracker program I have seen is the one that Meg danced in. This year I knew the dances that she had performed in so I just pretended she was one of the girls dancing and had a wonderful experience feeling that I was with our family watching the show. The more unique part of our trip was just going inside of the Boston Opera House.  On the outside it looked so small but on the inside it was massive and truly stunning.  The details were amazing.  I was able to take pictures before the production began and will share them on the blog.  They said no pictures during the dance and I now know what happens if you do that.  A lady a few rows ahead of us did take a picture and there was a man who came right in and up to her and made her erase the picture she took.  Glad I didn't try to do something like that!  

This week I put a pot of potpourri on the stove to simmer so the wonderful smell of Christmas permeates our apartment.  I made about 4 dozen gingerbread boys (in my case butterscotch boys), planned a menu for the luncheon we are having for the Elders and Sisters for their district meeting on Christmas Eve, and shopped around for some items I needed for the next grandkids box going out before New Years Eve.  We have watched lots of reruns, worked on cross word and word search puzzles.  Scott has been reading two new books we got for him the week before and I finished one book and started on another this week.  I have to admit I have come to realize how wonderful this type of mission is because we worked from early morning to late afternoon at the archives each day without a thought of what needed to be done. We also came home bone tired each day and I slept like a log each night.  Since we have been home these past two weeks I am having a terrible time sleeping even though I am not even trying to go to bed until at least midnight.   Oh the complaints of a bored missionary couple!  

Today Scott will be teaching our Sunday School lesson.  It is the wonderful message that each of us has received the greatest gift of all--Jesus Christ.  So grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gave us His son who willingly laid down His life for each of us.  In spite of the ups and downs that we may experience in this life we have been given the opportunity to know the end from the beginning and as I told our students last week during Sunday school class--we know which team wins.  Merry Christmas!

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