Monday, July 18, 2016


It seems like each week brings another aspect of our life that I hadn't experienced before and this week it has been especially trying as I see Scott struggle with knowing what time it is and what day it is.  On Saturday morning I woke up to find him dressed in a suit and tie ready to go to church.  I explained to him that it was only Saturday and he looked suspiciously at me and asked if I was sure.  Amy called later in the day and I asked her to tell her dad what day it was.  I think he thought we were "playing hookie" from church!  He thrives on order and routine is very important right now.  The new problem is that he is so disoriented and worried about when he should take a shower.  I am very glad that he wants to shower but I wish it wasn't until after we wake up in the morning!  There have been a couple of times in the night that he would wake up and get into the shower and then come back to bed and sleep the rest of the night.  Last week I caught him getting into the shower at 10:30 after he had only been asleep about 20 minutes.  An hour later I again heard the shower turn on and told him to wait until morning.  He begrudgingly went to bed and at 12:30 I woke up and heard the shower again and decided to just leave him alone.  He showered and came back to bed.  Last night he was up at 11 and showered.  I realize that this is our new norm.  I guess again I have to be grateful that he wants to shower--at least so far!

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