Friday, December 21, 2012


When I found out last week what had happened at the elementary school I was sick to my stomach and my first thought was "homeschool all of my grandkids".  Those of you who know me know I am not a big believer in homeschooling even though seven of our grandkids are being taught at home by a very capable and competent teacher (their mom).  But as a friend's daughter said, they could have gone to a movie or a mall  and had the same thing happen.  Fortunately this week I was reminded that I am glad my grandkids get to go to school and I will continue to pray each day that they will be safe and protected.  Ava sang several rousing renditions of Christmas songs all in Spanish and I am telling you she was amazingly cute!  Then I got pictures from my daughter and saw the cute things her kids were doing at their school and our little Duncan was enjoying the whole experience as well.  I know we cannot have any guarantees and I am grateful to know that ultimately our Heavenly Father will make everything right in the end so I will be grateful our grandkids are having positive experience in their schools and in their homes!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

Ava and I invited three of her special friends to come over and decorate gingerbread houses last night.  What a wonderful experience.  I wasn't sure what to expect since this was a first for me but the girls were so sweet and had a great time.  I was amazed at how dedicated they were to doing it themselves and how complimentary they were to each other while they were decorating.  What a wonderful time and how grateful I am to be a grandma!