Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thanksgiving Point

                              Uncle Bill sent me this picture of Will and Abby at the                                      Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. 

First Transfer

Ruth has served in Teziutlan since she arrived in Mexico.  Last week she was transfered and is now working in Poza Rica.  She has gone from the best climate city to the worst and is probably being introduced to humidity which as a native Arizonan that is definitely a different kind of hot!  

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Christian and Amy

 April 2024

Violin Recital

Saturday morning we were able to enjoy Duncan's violin recital.  He did a great job!

Concert Competition in California

On Thursday Jane went with other students in the orchestra to Los Angeles, California.  They participated in a Orchestra Competition with other high schools.  They actually were awarded top honors for the music they performed!  That was great but she also was able to spend Friday at Universal Studios which was according to her, lots of fun!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

New Job!

Perry is now employed by the City of Salt Lake City and said the first week went well.  He is now a Water Shed Ranger.  Perry said that he wanted a job that was outside and this is a perfect fit.  In his new job he will be working on making sure the drinking water is kept free of anything that could create problems for the people who drink it.  They will monitor water levels, flooding, erosion issues and other issues relating to the safety of the water that people drink.  An example he gave was if a big rig coming through a canyon where the water shed is and crashes then they go to make sure no chemicals or fuel gets into the water.  They will monitor camp sites as well that are located in those areas.  They also make sure animals and people are not creating dangerous issues for the water that the people will be drinking from.  He said much of his work will be in the mountains and canyons around Salt Lake City.  He said he enjoyed his first week and the people he works with.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Master of Divinity

                          Associate Pastor                                Faith Lutheran Church--Naples, Florida

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Jeremy, along with many others got a chance to see an eclipse up close (so to speak).  Aunt Becky sent this picture of Jeremy and wrote--      "We were close to the path of the eclipse (it was just a little crescent and it definitely was a shade darker outside).   Jeremy and Peter were given free glasses at school and were allowed to go outside and witness it.  Ben and Miriam said their schools both were passing out glasses and Miriam got out of one of her classes early so the kids could go and look.  Even Owen and Evangeline were able to snage some free glasses t hte local eye glass place and look at  it too.  I happened to have a dentistg appointment right at the perfect moment and one of the other people in the waiting room said "does anyone want to borrow my glasses and look at it?"  She also said Uncle Ben said there were tons of students in the middle of campus when he went out to look.  Even the mascot made a showing.

When I picked up Duncan from school the first thing he did is make me put on his eclipse glasses.  He was excited that he got to look up at the sun.

Conference Weekend!

In October and then again in April my two favorite weekends occur.  I love General Conference and enjoyed so much the wonderful teachings and music that enriches my life.  It was a little strange to see snow on the ground because typically there are tulips growing but not this year since winter has decided to hang around a little longer.  While they listen to conference the Whitney's have several traditions that happen each time.  She sent me pictures of Graham and Eden hard at work listening to the talks and working on various projects.

Field Trip

Aunt Amy was a chaperone for Graham's field trip to the Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum.in North Phoenix.  They both had a great time but Graham did have to spend some time behind bars!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Recently Lincoln went to have his regularly scheduled colonoscopy and was told everything looked good.  A fedays later the doctor's office called and said that they needed to have him come in and talk to the doctor.  When he went in the doctor said that after getting his bloodwork results he thought Lincoln's Wegener's disease may have been misdiagnosed and his bloodwork indicated that there was issues that showed up in the bloodwork which indicated problems with his liver.  He was then scheduled and went in for an MRI on his liver.  Again the doctor had him come in and this time he indicated that he actually has PSC (Primary sclerosing cholangitis)  According to the article it results from an immune attack on the small bile ducts in the liver, resulting in leakage of bile acids from bile ducts into the adjacent liver tissue.  These bile acids can be toxie to liver cells and cause injury to the cells, which may then trigger an additional immune response aimed at the damaged cells, resulting in further damage to the liver.  

Right now Lincoln is getting more blood work and has been referred to a hepatologist which is a liver specialist.  He is also applying to the Mayo Clinic here in Arizona as part of a clinical trial for people with the disease.  The doctor told him that eventually he will need to have a liver transplant but hopefully that won't be necessary for about 20 years.  Lincoln seems to be handling everything really well and I suspect he is glad to have some explanations for some of the issues he has continued to be dealing with.   The good news is that he has a very good doctor who recognized the problem right away. 

California Duncans

The California Duncan's met up with two of their old California Duncans and Lexy for a visit for the Easter weekend.  Andy sent me pictures and shared some of their activities.  He wrote; "On Friday we went to the BYU art museum and later went to the nickel arcade. Saturday I went birdwatching with Bill and Brigham but didn't get any photos of that. Later we took our kids to the church history museum then saw the tabernacle and the temple construction. After that we drove up to the SL cemetery and saw Homer Duncans grave and the cemetery deer. After that we drove around a little before going to a diner for dinner up in one of the canyons. Sunday Ava and I went and saw the Music and the Spoken word broadcast live from the tabernacle. Later we went to Bill's church with his family. That evening we had Easter dinner at our AirBnB with Lexy and her sister.  We drove back Monday where we saw a lot of pretty countryside and dramatic weather. We stopped at the Alien Jerky store for photos and when we were driving across the desert saw the launch of the SpaceX  rocket from Vandenberg Air Base."