There are several things that Scott has always loved doing. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, reading, and gardening. Recently he said that he would like to do a jigsaw puzzle so we went to Walmart and bought him a 300 piece puzzle to do. In the past he would work tirelessly on a much larger puzzle but not anymore. That was fine because he could see the results of his effort much sooner with a smaller puzzle. Unfortunately, the task was to much for him and after a couple of days he lost interest and so I put it away. I thought it would help if I put the straight edges together for him so the first night after he went to bed I framed the puzzle. He didn't seem to know that I had done it for him and he sat down to work on it again. I suggested that he may want to put the similar colors together like he use to do. I went off to do another project and when I came back he had made stacks of puzzle pieces and then spent a good deal of the time moving them from one pile to another. It kind of broke my heart. I am surprised by how he seems to accept everything without complaint. He is truly such a sweet person and I wish there was more I could think to do to help him.