As I told you all last week the drive from California to Arizona was great. I am still in awe of how well it went. Adjusting to the new house hasn't gone quite as well. For a week he has been so disoriented especially at bedtime and last night is the first time he went to bed before 10:00 p.m. For him that is definitely staying up late! It finally dawned on me what has been happening. When we left Spring Valley Lake and moved to our house in Apple Valley the transition was actually very smooth because the two house layouts were the same. This house is the exact opposite so when I get him to bed he is so turned around he keeps getting up and then argues with me about where the bed is. The first thing I did when we got here was set everything up in the room so things would look familiar. But dad remembers right and can't adapt to left. When he gets up in the night I have to go and take his hand to get him back into the bed--otherwise he wanders up and down the hallway. I know it will get better but in the meantime we are both pretty tired. On a good note he loves having Eden and Graham over. The three of them are big fans of Paw Patrol (thanks Caleb for showing grandpa about Paw Patrol!). The older kids are very patient and kind to him and he has enjoyed when they have come to visit as well. Other than that he is doing pretty good. He still likes staying close to home and fortunately the big shopping area is as close as the Winco and McDonalds was in Apple Valley. We'll get through this!