Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Concert Season Begins

Last night Ruth and Jane were in their first of many orchestra concerts for this year.  It is so nice that they are both performing together now that Jane is in high school.  This will be Ruth's last year at Highland High and she has had many wonderful musical events.  She also sings in the choir at the high school.  Between the orchestra and choir she will be going to Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C.   I am so grateful that school is again in full swing and that we can see the kids faces again!  I've included two pictures that Aunt Amy took last night at the school.  If you look closely at the one picture you will see that Jane is standing behind Ruth.  I'm sure I'll have more pictures to share in the coming year! 


When I moved into this ward after grandpa passed away it didn't take me long to realize that I was among some very special members of the church.  From the beginning they have embraced me and have gone above and beyond in making sure I am okay.  It is an interesting ward because I am honestly one of the oldest members.  In spite of that they love and take care of me.  It had taken me some time to convince them that I really wouldn't need meals brought in after my knee surgery.  We settled on a compromise of one meal on Monday.  Collin and Mary Kelly showed up at the house at 5:30 last night and left me loaded with enough food and treats to last several days.  I also had a visit from my nephew TJ on Saturday with a wonderful chicken and rice casserole, a salad, and cookies.  With all this food and Aunt Amy checking on me continually I am doing really good.  I have to admit my knee is amazingly good and with the exception of the itching incisions I forget that my knee was ever injured.  The problem I have been dealing with since I got home is a great deal of nausea which isn't pretty!  Collin, who is a doctor, told me that I am having a reaction to the anesthesia and it will take about four days for that to get out of my system.  I'm on day four and hoping that he is right!  I love kind people.  I want to be that kind of person and hopefully I am making headway in becoming more aware of others and their needs.  It means everything to know others are setting such good examples for me!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Vineyard Assignment

Since they moved to Fresno the California Duncan's have participated each summer at the church vineyards.  They go out several times to cut the grapes off the vine and then put them on the drying trays.  Once the grapes are dried they ship them to Sunkist who completes the project and then the raisins go into the Bishop's storehouse to be given to families in need.  After they completed their work assignment Caleb and Uncle Andy rewarded themselves with an old fashioned milkshake.  Definitely worth participating in that service project! When we lived in Victorville Uncle Andy, Grandpa, Uncle Ben and Uncle Bill use to go to Little Rock where they picked peaches at the church welfare farm there.  

Saturday, August 28, 2021

I'm Alive!!!

Before the Anesthesiologist put me out I reminded him that not only was he to put me to sleep but he was to make sure I woke up when this procedure was over.  I don't know if he smiled because he was wearing a mask but I was very serious!  I am not as young as I use to be.  With that thought I will brag a little. The nurse prepping me for the surgery was looking at my chart and told me that I was a "rock-star" for good health for my age.  I suspect she was more surprised that I could be so heavy and still be healthy.  I'll take it either way--I am a rock-star!  The surgery went well and my knee hurts like heck but I'm okay with that.  Apparently Percocet if not my friend and I didn't react well to it.  Unfortunately, Lincoln and Aunt Amy had to witness my body purging the poison!   I have decided I'd endure a little pain rather than a lot of nausea so I am now making Motrin my new best friend.  Since I do have a tendency to over-do I think a little discomfort will keep me resting my leg instead of showing off that I am just fine and it was no big deal.  Thanks for checking in on me.  I love you all and I'm grateful to be alive.  I still have a lot of grandkids who need my sage advice!  And I have to see some weddings and great-grandbabies before I go so I can tell Grandpa how wonderful you all are and how proud he would be of all you are accomplishing in your lives.

Study Time

Evangeline sent this picture.  It is the St. John's River which runs behind the Marine Science building.  She says she comes out there to study.  Earlier in the week she said she watched a couple of small pods of dolphins swim by.  I would have a really hard time studying with all that going on!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Evangeline's Projects

As our family continues to grow I have loved getting to know more about Owen's fiancé.  I am so impressed with her, especially because she told me that she has been following my blog for some time!  

I wanted to share with you what she is doing at Jacksonville University as she completes her masters degree in marine biology.  She did last years classes on-line and now she is in "hands-on" mode at the university.  She wrote the following: "I am beginning to work at my department's marine lab which I am incredibly excited about.  They have several aquaculture systems (bass and tilapia that can be harvested for food) and an abundance of different specialty tanks that lab members care for (some are in the lab and some are on display throughout the marine science department.)  An upcoming project that I'm going to be part of (and really looking forward to) is setting up three large vat tanks that will hold Atlantic sting rays for a research project a professor will be leading."

I've added some pictures of the University and some from her department.  She's not in them yet!  I will share more whenever I hear from her.  I think you will all love her!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Owen's New Digs!

Owen and Uncle Ben headed south to St. Louis to get him moved into his new apartment.  Good thing they had a van for all the thing that needed to go.  I smiled when I saw the picture of Owen in his bedroom.  No respectable Duncan/Whitney apartment can be complete without a bookshelf full of books!  I will miss the closeness of Owen this summer but I am excited to see him begin a new year and another step closer to summer so he and Evangeline can get married!

Owen and Uncle Ben had a nice send off from
North Dakota with a nice and much needed rainstorm.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Katie's New Job!

After completing her internship Katie applied and has been hired to work at Intermountain Health Clinic in Saratoga Springs!  She starts her new job next week.  So proud of you Katie.  They definitely hired the best of the best!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Happy Birthday Caleb!

 10 Years Old

When I think of you Caleb I always smile.  You are always up for an adventure and have an amazing ability to figure things out.  You still love Legos, interesting foods, and opportunities to explore the world around you. I love how much you love your family and the joy you bring to those around you.  I have been so pleased with the talent you have shown as a pianist.  In the coming years I look forward to seeing you continue to develop your talents.  Keep being a great student and never lose your love of learning.  Any teacher that has you in their class in the coming years will be so lucky!   How blessed we have all been that you have come into our lives.  

Happy Birthday Ruth!

 17 Years Old

What a pleasure it has been to have you in my life.  I have loved seeing the way you interact with others.  I love that you accepted the call to serve the special needs youth in your stake.  They couldn't have found a more kind and compassionate person to seek out those in need.  You are so smart!  When you start telling me about a book you read I love how you light up and how quickly you understand the message that it is trying to teach.  In spite of all of our teasing about your nervousness when you drive you always smile and continue to get behind the wheel.  Hard to believe that you will leave for college next year and I want you to know that I will shed some tears when that time comes.  Have faith in yourself Ruth.  You are everything good and a blessing to your friends and family.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Approaching the End!

The scaffolding has been removed now and the only thing left is for the steps to be completed.  I'm sure that Eddie will be happy when they are in so he can come into the house through the doggie door!  

Utah Family Vacation!

This is the second trip the Utah Duncan's took to the Oregon coast.  Uncle Bill and Bruce stayed behind because Bruce started school and Meg missed the trip because of a new job.  Everyone else had a great time exploring the area around them.  Will and Abby enjoyed some boogie boarding in the Pacific Ocean on Rockaway Beach.  The picture of Katie, Abby and Brig is at Tillamook Bay.  While there they were able to go to the Tillamook Air Museum.  Will and Abby were able to get inside various cockpits while there.  Abby and Katie had a great time exploring the the river behind the house they were staying in and wild blackberries were everywhere so they also made a blackberry crumble.  The last two pictures were taken at Crescent Beach of the tide pools.  It sounds like they all had a really good time.


I got a call from the doctor's office this morning.  I am scheduled for surgery this Friday, August 27.  I have to go in three days early for a Covid Test and then I go into the hospital on  Friday at 10 a.m.  They want me there early so they can do an EKG before I have the operation.  The surgery is scheduled for noon.  Amy will drop me off and pick me up later in the day after the surgery.  I will stay overnight at the Whitney's.  I have to go back to the doctor on September 9th for my post-op exam and then I will start physical therapy.  I am nervous and excited to hopefully get some relief from the constant pain.  I will ask Amy  to let you all know how the surgery went on Friday!  

Monday, August 16, 2021

Back to School

Caleb and Ava started back to school today.  Ava is now a freshman and Caleb is in 5th grade this year!

Happy Anniversary!

 Austin & Rachel

5 Years

If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently.  You shield it and protect it.  You never abuse it.  You never expose it to the elements.  You don't make it common or ordinary.  If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it until it gleams like new.  It becomes special because you made it so, and it grows more beautiful and precious because you made it so."
Elder F. Burton Howard

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Idaho Backpacking

 Lincoln enjoyed some time with Whitney cousins on a backpacking trip in Idaho this weekend.  He sent the following pictures to his parents with the following note.  "I felt the ancestral calling to put a shirt over my head to avoid the sun."  All of us who have spent time with Uncle Christian have seen his shirt wrap any time the sun starts to bear down on his bald head.  Lincoln just needs to thank his genetic make-up that provided him with an escape from the baldness gene.  His sons on the other hand will definitely need the shirt wrap to keep from a serious sunburn on their head!  If you don't believe me just ask Uncle Bill, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Ben.  Great Grandpa Duncan was more than happy to share his good fortune in the hair department.

North to South

The big trip this summer for the North Dakota Duncan's was a visit to Texas to see Grandma and do some side trips while they were there.  They had a slow start as they were stuck in the airport with plane delays for much of the day but eventually made it to their destination.  Once in Texas they enjoyed some beach time, a visit to the aquarium and the best part (in my opinion!) spending time with Grandma!  

California Camping--Day 1

From Andy:   Our first day was spent getting up to Fort Bragg for our first night camping at McKerricher State Beach. We stopped at Van Damme state park on the way to stretch our legs a bit and see banana slugs and a Salamander in a dense fern filled coastal forest.

California Camping--Day 2

We spent some time around Fort Bragg going to the beach, tide pools and seal lookout at MacKerricher and exploring on their boardwalk trails. Then we went to the internet famous glass beach, pudding creek trestle beach and got ice cream at a fancy ice cream parlor. Then we headed towards our second night Campground at Humboldt Redwoods State Park. On the way we drove up the coast and saw dramatic landscapes then headed inland and stopped at one of the (apparently many) trees you can drive through. We camped in a secluded little camp site among the redwoods.