Yesterday Owen had organized and led a trick or treat activity for their congregation. While he worked on that, Evangeline pitched in and decorated the trunk and made their costumes. She was a mermaid and he was a pirate. I think they both did a great job.
"So often we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to enjoy the journey." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Friday, October 28, 2022
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Happy Birthday Miriam!
21 Years Old
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
50's Day in First Grade
Monday, October 24, 2022
This week Lexy received notice that she has been selected to become a lifetime member of the Pi Delta Phi National French Honor Society. The initiation ceremony will be held on November 11th. She told me that Ellis will take pictures and I'll include them later. Way to go Lexy!
When Duncan left Highland Park, Aunt Amy found a violin teacher to help him continue to learn to play the violin. I have to say that he has really advanced since going to her.
I am glad that many of the grandkids have been involved in music and art. Grandpa would be so proud! I am proud of all of you too! Each of you have such unique talents and I hope you will continue to develop them.
BOO Time
It's no secret that I love decorating for the holidays. Since moving into the apartment I have definitely downsized so now I enjoy what others do. While in California and Utah I took a few pictures of what Aunt Angela did and on a smaller scale Abby's contribution and Ruth's Dorm door. Aunt Amy always does a great job of decorating too but I didn't take any pictures this year. Next week I will post some of her impressive Halloween costumes (one that she made without a pattern!).
Grandma |
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Aunt Angela |
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Aunt Angela |
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Aunt Angela |
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Aunt Angela |
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Abby |
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Ruth |
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Ruth |
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Ruth |
Behind the Counter!
I had such a great time during my trip to California and Utah. While in California I was able celebrate Ava's birthday with a Mexican dinner and a piece of her birthday pie afterwards. On Friday I went with Aunt Angela as we drove to various houses in the stake so she could deliver invitations for an upcoming Women's Conference. I got to see Ava perform with her color guard team and also a little high school football. Saturday morning Uncle Andy, Caleb and I went on a short hike (I know! Uncle Andy took me to a nice flat hike and walked slow so I could keep up!) We had some amazing BBQ for lunch and then Caleb and I got to hang out and watch Winter Soldiers while his mom and dad were at a work party and Ava was at a band competition. On Sunday we enjoyed church together and then the Dahlberg's (Nana and Papa) came for a Bulgarian dinner made by Uncle Andy. He served a Beef and Vegetable Casserole, a bean soup, a salad that was excellent, and for dessert a Walnut cake. It was five layers with a cholate mousse cream filling between each layer and a chocolate ganache frosting with a coconut garnish on top. YUM! Enjoyed some excellent piano playing by Ava and Caleb. It was a wonderful few days with my favorite California people.
After three great days in California I headed to Utah for three more! It was great to stay at Uncle Bill and Aunt Cathy's house. I absolutely love all she has done with their room additions. Tuesday morning Aunt Cathy and Abby drove me to Provo Canyon to see the fall colors. They were really beautiful and I thought a lot about Grandpa and our time in New England. We had lunch at Panda Express and then went over to where Ruth works at the Creamery. I spent some time with Ruth and Lincoln when Ruth finished work and it was great to catch up on what was happening in their busy lives. That evening we all had dinner together at Los Hermanos with only Lexy and Ellis and Rachel missing. It was fun to listen to the various conversations going on. I had a family project that they each helped me with while we waited for our dinner. Wednesday morning Aunt Cathy, Uncle Bill and I got to go to the Mount Timpanogos Temple and then I stopped by Bruce's job and he made me an amazing sandwich! I then headed down to Provo where I spent some time in the Wilkinson Center waiting for Ellis to finish up work. We went back to their apartment and from there left for dinner because they weren't able to come on Tuesday. Perry joined us for some really good chicken strips. On Thursday I drove to BYU and picked up my great niece London Roberts and enjoyed a nice lunch with her. After I dropped her off I stopped by the Creamery to see Ruth again and enjoyed some Creamery ice cream. That evening the family went to Katie's new and very nice apartment for dinner. It was nice to see Rachel! We enjoyed pizza and conversations. And then on Friday morning I headed home. It was eight great days and I loved being able to see everyone!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Abby's Trip
Happy Birthday Ava!
15 Years Old
"I would charge you to say again and again...I am a daughter of God. Begin today to live closer to those ideals which will make your life happier and more fruitful because of an awakened realization of who you are."
Harold B. Lee
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Conference Weekend
Ruth was invited to join her roommate and other friends to spend Conference weekend in Park City to explore the area and to watch conference together. She sent these pictures.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Duncan's Day Camp
While Owen and Evangeline were roughing it in Florida, Duncan and Uncle Christian were not! Duncan's school sent a group of kids on a field trip to a camp near Payson for a three day adventure filled with activities, animals, and crafts.