Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Vermont Institute of Natural Science
We had a great time visiting Quechee Gorge on Labor Day but had an added bonus when we happened upon a sign that invited us to the Vermont Institute of Natural Science.  It was a place for education and research and for wildlife rehabilitation.  For us it was a great place to see some amazing birds.  The birds that were there were injured and although they survived they were so injured that they couldn't be released back into the wild.  I was able to take pictures of the birds we saw but probably won't be able to tell you what kind they were.  You will need to call Andy or Lincoln!


Snowy Owl

Red Tailed Hawks


Another Owl

Through the Eyes of Raptors Program

Bald Eagle


  1. The vulture is a Turkey Vulture. The first owl is a Great Grey Owl and the second one appears to be a Great Horned Owl. The falcon is actually a hawk but I am not sure which kind possibly a dark morph red-tailed hawk.

  2. Thanks Andy--I knew you could make it right!
