In Perry's weekly letter from his mission he included a talk he had given to the missionaries in his District. I am proud of his commitment to serve as a missionary and have been touched by how much he has grown as he has served the Lord. I thought I would share the talk.
We are all at phases of our lives which contain a lot of uncertainties. None of us know how things are going to work out either next transfer or in 5 years. As such it becomes easy to fear the unknown. This fear is nearly universal, but is not of God. Elder Tad R. Callister taught "the Lord’s counsel for us today is similar to that given to Mary and Joseph: 'Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you'".
We each have unique concerns and trials in our individual lives, but the one thing common among all of God's children is His love and desire for our peace and joy. Consequently, he has given us common commandments to aid us in our plight for spiritual comfort. He has asked us fast and pray oft, to study the scripture, and to be patient. Before James' admonition to ask God found in James 1:5, he speaks of patience. Surely, this is no coincidence.
Patience is just as requisite in receiving guidance from God as is asking for it in the first place. It is rare that we receive instant answers to our prayers. Likewise, it is rare that we receive instant deliverance from our transgressions, adversities, or concerns. Typically, when we face hard things in our lives we ask for help to change our circumstances or to eliminate the problems and then we set to work to do our part. God expects and appreciates our efforts to flee from adversity. But there are occasions on which God has instead asked us to endure patiently as we remain in those same difficulties. Nevertheless, we must never lose hope or cease striving for deliverance. To endure is not a passive action. Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught: "Patience is not indifference. Actually, it means caring very much but being willing, nevertheless, to submit to the Lord and to what the scriptures call the ‘process of time'".
It is my sincere hope that each of us might have the faith and patience to "fear not" in whatever trials are currently or will inevitably befall us. I know that God will always deliver us from the furnace of affliction, but there are times in which He allows those very flames to temper us that we might resist the evil by which we are constantly surrounded. I bear testimony that the Lord is aware of our trials and needs and that we can always turn to Him.