Monday, October 9, 2017


I am smiling as I think about what I am going to write about.  My life is about as routine as it can get.  In the morning I get up and then I take Scott into the bathroom when we both brush our teeth (I brush mine while he does his so he can remember how) and then I get his pills and spend some time convincing him that he has to put them in his mouth and then swallow them with the water in the cup that is in his hand.  From there we head to the closet where I help him undress and then redress for the day ahead.  That usually involves a little coaxing because he always thinks I am mad at him and gets upset that I am continually taking his pajamas away when he tries to put them back on.  From there I set him on a chair in the bedroom so he can put his shoes and socks on while I hurry and make our bed and then get myself dressed.  From there we go to the kitchen so I can make his breakfast.  While he is eating I now do an exercise program from a DVD I have because I can't go walk with my friend anymore.  Once that is over I clean up his dishes and then he watches Leave it to Beaver and then Perry Mason.  When Perry is over we drive over to his walking spot for his daily walk.  If we have any errands we do those afterwards and then head back home for lunch and Death Valley Days until about 1:00 when he is ready to take short ride.  Then back home for more TV and then at 3:00 he is ready for another drive which usually involves a visit to McDonald's for an ice cream cone.  Then we come home to more television and then dinner.  More TV until about 8 p.m. when he needs help getting his pajamas on.  The same situation happens each evening as in the morning because he is now upset that I want him to take off his shoes and socks and clothes!  About 8:30 we go back in and I give him his pills for the night and usually around 9 he is settled into bed for the night.

Where is the irony you might ask?  Remember when you thought you would never catch up on your laundry? Remember when you were on the fast track running as fast as you could--but never getting any where? Remember when you longed to just have some quiet time to yourself?  Remember wondering if you would ever be able to go to the bathroom without someone standing outside the door yelling at you?  Well the irony of my life is that I get so excited when there are enough dirty clothes in the hamper so I can actually have something to do.  I am excited when I see the microwave is dirty!  Woo Hoo the bathrooms need cleaning and the sheets need washing.  I am tickled pink when the kitchen floor needs to be mopped.  When I see something on Pinterest that I want to do--I am ecstatic!  And now that Fall is upon us I have already got the Halloween  decorations out and know exactly what I will be doing to decorate for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day, and any other holidays coming up!  I have an brand new painted front door with a cute hello sticker on it and the hearth on our fireplace has a fresh coat of paint.  That my friends is irony!

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