"So often we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to enjoy the journey." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Girl Ask Boy!

Sunday, September 23, 2018
Grandpa Sitting
Angela invited me to a movie last night and Andy and the kids stayed with Grandpa. It was quite funny when we walked in after the movie to find the following scene. It only took me a second to realize it was all staged! Grandpa was the only one who was asleep.
Friday, September 21, 2018
For two weeks in a row Caleb had the most Accelerated Reading points in his class so he again got to get a comic book for his hard work. Way to go buddy, keep on doing your very best!
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Artist in Training
I am amazed at all the talents that our grandchildren have. This is one of the latest drawings made by Ava. Can't wait to see her talent continue to develop.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
My Alligator
Unfortunately, we didn't go to Florida with the California Duncan's so I didn't get any lessons on wrestling alligators. Today it would have come in handy. Taking a shower has not been an activity that Grandpa was interested in and it was definitely something that he didn't enjoy. By the time I get him in the shower and cleaned up, he and I are both soaking wet and both of us are exhausted. This morning I gave him his breakfast and then got everything ready to have him take his shower. I told him that it was time to take his shower and he told me NO! I tried several ways of coaxing him but to no avail. I finally turned off the water and decided I'd have to come up with a Plan B. Today Grandpa had a sponge bath and I suspect that this will become the new normal. Believe me he wasn't happy about that either! I think he said Owww, your hurting me about 50 times in the process of cleaning him off. The next challenge was how to clean his hair. I knew I couldn't get him to lean over the sink so I could shampoo him so I sat him in a chair, wrapped a big towel around him and then sprayed his head with my mist bottle. I then applied shampoo and gave him a good scrub. Once I got all the shampoo out and combed his hair he looked pretty good! I have to admit it was kind of nice not being soaking wet.
Moral of this story is: If you have an alligator to wrestle, don't!
Moral of this story is: If you have an alligator to wrestle, don't!
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
Be patient with yourself. Perfection comes not in this life, but in the next. Don't demand things that are unreasonable, but demand of yourself improvement. As you let the Lord help you through that, He will make the difference.
President Russell M. Nelson
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
This is what a cabbage looks like when it is grown by Peter! I have loved that each of the Fargo grandkids have been given a cabbage at school to grow over the summer. As you can see, Peter's cabbage really grew! The main head was 1 foot across. Aunt Becky wrote that from this cabbage she made two cabbage soup recipes, homemade sauerkraut, kimchi (she says, "if it turns out!") and coleslaw. She was also able to share with a friend and still has about 2 cups left over. Aunt Becky is an amazing gardener and obviously her kids have a little of her green thumb!
Sunday, September 2, 2018
It's football season again! Lucky Uncle Christian got to see the game live! If the team continues to look and act as good as it did last night this is going to be a great year for BYU football! Of course with the great tuba player in the marching band this year it could only be great!
Saturday, September 1, 2018
He Did It!
When Lincoln first got his car most of the pieces were in boxes. For a year he has painstakingly rebuilt this Datsun Roadster and today he took his first ride! In order to pay for his car Lincoln has stood on a corner holding up a sign to advertise a fondue shop, worked at a fireworks booth, put flags in and took them down each holiday, and did work for various people including installing sprinkler systems. He has developed many friendships with various adults in the ward and neighborhood who helped him with ideas on what to do to get it ready for the road. Today he was able to enjoy the fruits of his labor! I am so proud of him and I'm sure you are all proud of his accomplishment too! I can't get the video to run but when I do you will see him driving up the road!
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