"So often we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to enjoy the journey." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Friday, May 24, 2024
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Let the Summer Begin
Today was the last day of school and at the Whitney home that means a new theme for their summer activities. This year it is "Let's Grow This Summer." When the kids got home from school they found their notebooks, treat bags, and floaties for their pool.
President's Day
As of today she is now a Senior in high school!
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Duncan's Heart
I have had the privilege this school year of going each day to pick Duncan up from school. It has been a great blessing for me and hopefully for him. I have loved his sense of humor, his great imagination, but often the thing I appreciate the most is his kind heart.
Today I was actually a little ashamed of myself. We stopped at a QT gas station for a cold drink. He had a half finished bag of Cheez-It's and for some reason he carried it into the store. I thought he didn't want the rest so I offered to throw it away but he told me no. I had noticed a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk but apparently Duncan really noticed him. When we left the store he walked over and started to give him the rest of his crackers. I was embarassed that he was going to give him a half empty snack. I told him not to give him the crackers but to get some of the snacks I bring in the car to give him. Sweet Duncan saved those crackers because he saw a homeless man who was hungry and he didn't wait for me to do what was right. He humbled me that I hadn't thought of the same thing when I saw the man. Duncan got three snacks from our bag and gave them to him.
Uncle Bill
If you have some time Uncle Bill wrote an article that is posted in the Deseret News today (May 21). It is entitled Opinion: Why Religion is Good for Society. It is well written (in spite of my personal bias 😂) and worth a read. If you can't find it you can email him and I'm sure he would send you a copy of the article. Well done!
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Feeding an Army
One of the many responsibilities Aunt Angela has as the Stake Relief Society President often involves feeding the missionaries when they have a mission conference. The request is get them in, fed, and out in as short a period time as you can so the missionaries can get back to work. I think she has perfected that request.
Lexy's Projects!
I had to share this because I tried one of the little crochet projects and it was a disaster so I am extremely impreessed with her crocheting ability!
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Manhattan College Commencement
Miriam completed her time in the Bronx today. She graduated from Mahhattan College with a double degree in Spanish and Biochemistry with Cum Laude recognition. Next year she will continues on in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to earn a Masters Degree. Way to go Miriam!
Friday, May 17, 2024
Theological Diploma Service
Previous to the commencement service in the evening Owen and other Theologicl graduates the given their diploma. I wish I could have attended but I'm so glad that there is such a thing as Livestream now. The pictures I got weren't the best quality but I wanted to share a couple.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Back in March I shared a picture of Duncan working on a project to design and make a knife. This is the end result. I still am not to sure I'm excited about this particular activity but Duncan was very happy with his finished project.
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If you notice the boy on the right--that's exactly what I worry about😏 Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Fortunately, Duncan is much brighter than his friend! |
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Abby has finished her senior year and was recognized for her acccomplishments during the Career and Technical Education Program at Sky Ridge High School. She studied and completed the requirements to become a Medical Assistant. Great job Abby!
As school comes to an end this year Will was recognized at the closing banquet as the "Most Active Student" by the Future Farmers of America. Next year he is going to be the treasurer. Way to go Will!
Monday, May 13, 2024
May I Say
I know that my grandchildren are perfect but I have to say that my three newest grandchildren are absolutely the best of the best. Rachel, Ellis, and Owen have married the most wonderful spouses and I absolutely love them. Thank you Austin, Lexy, and Evangeline for coming into our family and adding so much goodness to it. What can I say-- we've hit the jackpot!
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Father/Son in AZ
The Whitney boys and dad enjoyed a night away with other members of their ward. From the pictures Christian sent, it looks like they had a great time. It was especially nice because Lincoln was home to join them. The Utah Duncan's outing is next week.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Fathers and Sons Time
It is that time of year again. The men and boys head up to the camp grounds and the girls stay home and party! Last Saturday Uncle Andy and Caleb went to their wards campout and since Uncle Andy was still whispering because of his long lasting illness and couldn't join in the campfire conversations very much, he and Caleb did some exploring. No pictures of the two of them but I wanted to share some of the things they found on their walks around the area.