Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Duncan's Heart

I have had the privilege this school year of going each day to pick Duncan up from school.  It has been a great blessing for me and hopefully for him.  I have loved his sense of humor, his great imagination, but often the thing I appreciate the most is his kind heart.  

Today I was actually a little ashamed of myself.  We stopped at a QT gas station for a cold drink.  He had a half finished bag of Cheez-It's and for some reason he carried it into the store.  I thought he didn't want the rest so I offered to throw it away but he told me no.  I had noticed a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk but apparently Duncan really noticed him.  When we left the store he walked over and started to give him the rest of his crackers.  I was embarassed that he was going to give him a half empty snack.  I told him not to give him the crackers but to get some of the snacks I bring in the car to give him.  Sweet Duncan saved those crackers because he saw a homeless man who was hungry and he didn't wait for me to do what was right.  He humbled me that I hadn't thought of the same thing when I saw the man.  Duncan got three snacks from our bag and gave them to him.

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