It is always so fun to say "it's great to be eight!" So glad you are getting baptized. I know you will work hard and do your best to be a good member of the Church. You are such a sweet and kind girl Ava. You work hard at school and do good things at home for your mom and dad. I love what a sweet big sister you are to Caleb. He is so lucky to have you! Although Grandpa and I are far away I hope you know that we think about you every day and when we pray we always try to ask Heavenly Father to bless our family. You had a busy last year with soccer, piano, gymnastics and on top of that you were the spelling bee champ for your grade--I wonder what this year will bring! Have a wonderful birthday with lots of yummy cake and ice cream. Keep doing your best and keep being the sweet girl that you are. Happy Birthday Ava!
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