I have had numerous "most embarrassing moments" in my life, but today was way up at the top! We went to Costco this morning to pick up some pictures from the photo department. When we got there we had a couple of people in front of us so I waited for our turn. Once up at the counter I told the girl my name and she went to get the pictures. Just as she came back I handed her my Costco card and glanced over to make sure dad was okay. He had a familiar look on his face (one that I try to avoid!) so I asked, "Are you okay?" His quick response was a
loud, "
NO!, I'm about to take that guy out!" I looked over and there was an older gentleman standing by me waiting for his turn. I was so embarrassed I wouldn't have minded a bit if a deep hole opened up so I could crawl into it. The man smiled and I quietly said I was sorry. I quickly paid for the pictures and got out of there!
We quit going into restaurants. We only go to the drive-thru to get food. We don't go to the movies anymore and I am beginning to think that grocery shopping is the next to go. I have since thought that it was a good thing the man waiting didn't have Alzheimer's or we could have had a big brawl right in Costco!!!
This is certainly an interesting journey we are on. I have always said, "You don't die of embarrassment, you just wish you could!