Friday, March 30, 2018

Journal Prompt

Haven't written about anything on my journal prompts and decided that I should.  The prompt I chose was: The one dream you have that you just can't stop thinking about.  I am a dreamer and have always been.  If I was interested in being an author I have had many dreams that could have been a great story line for a book.  I can't tell you how many times I have woken in the night sobbing or laughing hysterically.  I don't remember a time that I didn't have dreams at night.  My dreams are so intense that when something has wakened me I get up to use the bathroom or get a drink and when I return to sleep the dream picks up where I left off.  I don't know if other people dream like this.  My dreams have solved work and personal problems for me, gave me insight into something that I have been struggling with.  My dreams have entertained me, overwhelmed me, scared me-sometimes, made me happy and sometimes sad, and helped me remember experiences that I had forgotten.  Just recently I woke up after I dreamed that my friend Pam honked her horn out in the street and I went out to see her.  As I got near her car Helen Seacord opened the door and ran over and threw her arms around me.  We held each other and cried with joy at our reunion.  I woke up so happy that I had seen Helen.  It was a bittersweet memory because I can't go down and see her any more and it makes me so sad.  She is 97 years old now and is still one of my best friends.  For just a moment in my dream we were reunited and I was so happy.  I love that I am a dreamer!

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