Sunday, October 13, 2019


You may not know this but Grandpa has terrible nail fungus that has been a challenge for him for over 30 years.  I didn't think much of it until it became necessary for me to deal with the problems that this nasty condition presents.  One of the biggest things that grandpa has developed with his Alzheimer's disease was not wanting to be touched.  Something as simple of holding his hand pushes him to his limit.  So holding his foot so I can cut the overgrown toenails is a huge challenge for him and of course for me.  Before I even bring out the nail clipper he is yanking his foot away and when I do try to cut some of the distorted nails he is screaming that I'm hurting him.  By the time I am done very little is accomplished and he is mad at me and unfortunately I am pretty annoyed at him. 

I share this with you because I have been thinking a great deal lately about how disappointed our Heavenly Father and his Son and our Savior must feel about us when we fight against everything they have taught and are teaching us.  I am reading the New Testament and have enjoyed so much reading the writings of Paul.  I thought of the Saviors question to Saul in Acts, "it it hard for thee to kick against the pricks?"  In my life I have learned much.  I have often fallen short.  I am still trying to figure out how to maneuver this course I am on.  What I loved about this scripture is that Saul who continually fought against the Church was still loved by the Savior.  He was so loved that he had a literal life-changing experience which helped him put away the natural man and come unto Christ.  He accepted the Saviors invitation and made a covenant to always walk with Him from that point forward.  Thus he became Paul.

There isn't a member of our family--not one-- who hasn't had to deal with "pricks" that sometimes seem overwhelming.  So much good has happened to all of us but not without  stumbling blocks that have gotten in our way.  Blocks that we had to decide how to deal with.  Do we ignore them, climb over them, walk around them, restack them, or do we just turn around and pretend like they aren't a problem?  Although grandpa doesn't handle my desire to help him doesn't change the fact that something has to be done and it is my responsibility to do what I can to alleviate some of his pain in spite of his lack of appreciation that I'm only trying to help him. 

Do you know why I am willing to do this?  It's because I know that Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning.  I know that in the end His promises are sure.  I know that He loves me and he and those who love us are close by to cheer us on and help us climb over all that is put in our way.  I know this and that is enough.  Dear grandchildren I am glad that each of you encounter challenges because I know for a fact that those experiences will be for your good.  And even more important is that I know that you are not left to your own devices.  You have the Perfect cheerleader who whispers never give up.  You can do it!

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