I was thinking lately about the inconsistencies of Alzheimer's. Every time I think we are settling into a routine I'm disappointed because the reality is there is no routine. The biggest change in dad's condition is that I am finding myself much more tired. As he declines, his ability to do much on his own also declines. Where before I could hand him his clothes to put on it has become necessary that I am having to lift his legs to put his pants on instead of helping him get started and him finishing. I bought him new shoes because the others were pretty trashed but now it takes everything to get them on. They are better because they are tighter so he doesn't seem to shuffle as much but now I am dealing with his and my frustration when they don't slip right on. Lack of interest in eating continues but I have kind of accepted that it is what it is. I now make lunch our main meal and we always go through fast food and eat in the car so he finishes whatever we have. If he eats two bites of cereal and eats his half of an English muffin in the morning, that is good enough. Drinking his juice is the only things he does without an argument. For dinner one or two bites of whatever I put in front of him and he is done. I always finish off with an ice cream bar which sometimes he will only eat a few bites of that. He still eats his M & M's each day but now I often find them laying around the room. It is what it is. He definitely is choking more and having him take his pills continues to be a challenge. I have learned to just keep encouraging him and hope that it continues because when the medicine stops the real reality of Alzheimer's will become evident. What amazes me is that he often chews the pills which I would think taste terrible. Lastly his sleep has become pretty interesting. Last night he went to bed at 6:40 and I finally got up at 7:30 this morning and he was still sound asleep. But lately he has started getting up about 10:30 at night after being asleep for several hours and won't get back in bed no matter how much coaxing I do. Last Friday he was up from 10:30 p.m. until 3 a.m. when I finally put my project down and said he had to go to bed. He slept until 6:00 and was ready for the day. I wasn't quite as ready as he was! He is still agitated a good deal of the day but it is so normal now that I don't stress out like I use to. He's still a keeper and together we are just doing the best we can. I will be taking him to the Neurologist in November and hopefully I will get some ideas from him when I do. I'm already putting together a list of questions to ask when we go in. I want to thank all of you for keeping in touch. Hearing your voices or reading a text or email is always like a burst of energy for me. I so appreciate your love and support and I know that he would be too!
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