Monday, April 13, 2020


The caseworker and nurse came this morning and after checking on dad we went into the livingroom where they talked a little about what to expect.  Basically they are saying it could be a week or two or as much as a month.  The nurse said today she is surprised about how quickly he is declining just from last Friday until today.  She told me that they will be able to be much more specific as we get closer to the end and they will tell me more of the timeline then.  I did give them the name of the mortuary we will be using and the caseworker will get that put in place.  I will be looking at different cemeteries in the coming week so I can be prepared to tell them where I'd like him buried.  He is on a soft diet and they said that I don't need to feel like he has to eat a lot.  I have to start putting a thickener in any liquid he drinks so that he won't choke as much.  It is interesting because today if I could get him to eat a couple of spoonfuls I felt great.  Amy brought him some Ensure which he seemed to like.  I have been offering food  throughout the day instead of trying to feed him a lot at one time.  I know it adds up for his nourishment.  He slept this morning for several hours and then has cat napped all afternoon.   Something interesting that he is doing is pulling his hair out.  I noticed several times that he was pulling his hair but when I went to change him earlier he had a wad of hair in his hand.  I think we will have to just remember when he had so much hair!  Tomorrow the nurses aide is coming and will be bathing him in the bed.  Hopefully when his hair is cleaner he won't keep pulling at it.  That's all I have for now.  I won't necessarily do an update daily but if anything significant happens I will let all of you know.  Thank you for the phone calls and your love and prayers.  My prayer is that dad will pass gently.

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