Monday, September 14, 2020

Before & After

 I finished fixing up my new home and I love how it turned out.  I also love living here!  I already have my first assignment as a ministering sister who I have already contacted and am excited to meet her in person.  I feel safe here and it is very comfortable and cozy.  I am so glad that I made the decision to rent and each day I feel more confident that this was where I was suppose to be.  This cute place has gone from empty to full and even better it is full of many things that I love.  This weekend we are having a garage sale at the Whitney's and then Amy will be able to have her garage back.  I can't wait for all of you to come at Thanksgiving when we will celebrate Grandpa.  I actually celebrate him every day and have been blessed with so many memories that have erased the pain of watching him slowly slip away for so many years.  

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