Saturday, October 31, 2020

Update on Lincoln

 I know all of you are wondering what is happening with Lincoln.  After months of testing a diagnosis has been made.  The doctors (he has 4!) have diagnosed him with something called vasculitis   I will share what it is from a description of it on the Mayo Clinic website.  

Vasculitis is inflammation of your blood vessels. It causes changes in the blood vessel walls, including thickening, weakening, narrowing or scarring. These changes can restrict blood flow, resulting in organ and tissue damage.  There are many types of vasculitis, and most of them are rare. Vasculitis might affect just one organ, or several. The condition can be short term (acute) or long lasting (chronic).  Vasculitis can affect anyone, though some types are more common among certain groups. Depending on the type you have, you may improve without treatment. Some types require medications to control the inflammation and prevent flare-ups. 

Leave it to Lincoln to have a rare disease!  Because of this Lincoln will not be able to return to Colorado and his mission is complete.  The doctor told him that he won't be able to go to BYU until at least the Spring session.  He is going to take on-line classes from BYU starting in January.  At this time he is now receiving chemotherapy once a week in a very low dosage.  He takes four pills every Thursday for at least 3 months.  Hopefully that will keep his hair on his head but they did give him an additional medication that will strengthen his hair cells.  We are all glad that there is a diagnosis but needless to say, we are all nervous about how this will affect him.  It is interesting as I look back on Lincolns various problems (like having his gall bladder out at 18) probably have indicated that he has had this for a while.  The original concern when he came home was that his immune system was compromised and for his safety he needed to get his intestinal issues under control.  That is still a concern so he has been cautioned to be vigilant is wearing a mask.  He was also told by the doctor that it was important that he didn't fall or participate in any activity where he could be punched.  That means going to the rock-climbing gym is out (hopefully for just a while) and no football or basketball, skiing, etc.  

On another note:  When they got the call that Lincoln was sick and would be returning home until they had the issues solved, Aunt Amy got everybody busy making signs in preparation for his return.  When I asked her why she told me that just in case he wouldn't be able to return she wanted him to have a special homecoming like other missionaries.  I am so grateful that she made that decision.  Welcome home Elder Whitney!   

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