Sunday, June 30, 2024


After a minor flood in the guest bedroom caused by a neighbor forgetting to turn off the bathtub faucet (at least that's the story they told us) Meg and I headed to San Diego for a two day getaway.  We visited the San Diego temple which we found was closed because of renovations, went to see the seal preserve which we weren't able to get close to because of the traffic and summer visitors and then went for Mexican Food dinner which was so good it made everything better!    On Friday we did a bus tour of San Diego which was absolutely my favorite part of the trip and afterwards we headed to Coronado Island for a walk on the beach.  When we left there we went to Long Beach and visited the Queen Mary.  Not as impressive as I thought it would be but I have to say my company was wonderful!  It is so nice having Meg here.  

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Great Uncle David!

I loved this picture of my brother with Lincoln and Meg taking a tour of his back yard and listening to his war stories from Vietnam.  He looked great and it was nice to spend time with him and Shere.


Grandpa and I went on our first date floating down the Salt River (Tubing) so I was excited when the Whitney's were going to go and invited Meg.  Everyone had a great time and only a mild sunburn for Meg.

Meg's Visit!

I am so excited to have Meg come for a visit.  I hope I keep her so busy she will forget to go home.  Last week we visited the Heard Museum, and Hohokam Indian Ruins.  Then she went tubing down the Salt River with the Whitney's.  More to come next week!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

I couldn't be more proud of these four wonderful fathers.  Elder Robert L. Backman said . "Father" is the noblest title a man can be given.  It is more than a biological role.  It signifies a patriarch, a leader, an exemplar, a confident, a teacher, a hero, a friend."   That is a perfect description of Bill, Andy, Ben and Christian.  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Arizona Summers

When you live in Arizona in the summer it is always nice to head north for a little relief.  The Whitney's enjoyed a day away up in the Payson area.  They visited the Tonto Natural Bridge State Park for some exploring, swimming and a picnic with friends.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I heard from Annt Becky this morning.  Uncle Ben came through the surgery and everything went well.  He was in surgery for about 4 hours which doesn't sound great but the surgeon told her that everything went well and he was able to do the procedure he wanted to do.  He is now back in the room with Aunt Becky watching over him.  If all looks okay he may be able to go home tonight.  Thanks for all the prayers!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Uncle Ben

On Tuesday Uncle Ben will be having surgery.  He has suffered with a pinched nerve for a quite a while and when he was hit by the truck in North Dakota it had become more of a problem.  They are going in and putting something to give more space between the vertebrae in his neck.  Hopefully it will solve the problem.   Please remember him in your prayers this week.  

Two Weeks of Wonderful

I spent a few days in California to celebrate Ava's graduation.  Then I brought Ava home with me and we left on Tuesday for Utah so Ava and Jane could attend the BYU ACT camp program.  I have to say I was so impressed with how hard they worked  (it definitely wasn't fun and games) but there was definitely a lot of laughing each night after they came back.  After three days of learning they went to Orem High School where they took the official ACT test.  While they were working like crazy Aunt Amy, Eden and I enjoyed some shopping, packing for Lincoln's move from his current apartment, visiting with family, and a temple trip with Aunt Cathy and Uncle Bill.  Thanks Lexy and Ellis for entertaining Eden while we were there.  Lexy taught Eden how to crochet and Eden taught them all about Bluey!  Thank all of you for making this a wonderful event and for all the great conversations!  Sorry to Owen and Evangeline and Brigham for being late posting the anniversary and birthday recognition.  

My Girls!


          We are sworn to secrecy about where and            why this picture was taken.  But I love it!

The Lego Art

We were able to visit the BYU Library on Friday.  They have an exhibit of Lego Art.  I took some pictures of Lego creations that were on display.  There were a number of significant buildings of Church sites as well as a beautiful mosaic of the Savior and the Utah State Capital.  We were in there for quite a while so Ellis and Eden would make their Lego creations.  Sorry I didn't get a picture of them!

This was the Utah State Capitol Building.
When you got up close you could see that designer
actually have the inside decorated as well.

Eden's Favorite Things and Cousin

Eden was able to come with us to Utah when Ava and Jane went to the BYU ACT Camp this week.  Here are a few of the things that she loved and one of the people she loves!

Cub Cakes 

The BYU Bookstore

Katie is her other favorite cousin but we forgot to get a picture of them together!



Jeremy was freed from his braces this week!  Let the caramel candy eating begin!

Happy Birthday Brigham!!

 22 Years Old

Happy Anniversary!

 Owen and Evangeline
2 Years

Monday, June 3, 2024


For quite some time Uncle Andy has been cooking foods from around the world.  This weekend the food he made was from Valenzuela.  I wanted to share the cake he made which I am really sorry that we had to miss since we left before dinner!  It had fresh coconut milk, fresh coconut and lots of other wonderful ingredients..  




After Ava's graduation and piano recital she came back with me to Arizona.  When we got to town we stopped to have dinner with the Whitney's.  A wonderful surprise awaited.  Aunt Amy, Jane and the rest of the family were ready to celebrate her great achievement with a surprise graduation dinner.  Eden and Amy did the decorating and the boys helped with other party details while Uncle Christian made a wonderful tri-tip roast.  

High Adventure!

Uncle Christian and Duncan went on a young men's activity with his church friends.  They hiked, climbed, swam and kayaked.  Duncan said it was great.