Owen's jazz band teacher is retiring this year after 38 years as a teacher. I have heard Owen's group play a number of times and they really are exceptionally good. I was glad to hear that Owen was part of a discussion about what they could do to recognize their beloved teacher who had given them all a solid foundation in music. After some discussion they decided they would commission a piece of music to be written to play for him. He helped to raise the money to to pay for it. I appreciated so much that Owen recognized the importance of gratitude. That he was a part of a program that told a man who had given so much to his students, "Thank You." In the Doctrine and Covenants 59:21 it says, "And in nothing does man offend God, for against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not His hand in all things..." In order to remember to thank our Heavenly Father we have opportunities every day in our daily activities to thank other people for what they have done. Doing that helps remind us that from God we have received even more. You did a good thing Owen. You represented yourself and your family as a person who notices the good things that happen in your life and you take time to say 'thank you' when you can.
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