"So often we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to enjoy the journey." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Saturday, May 30, 2015
I have had the privilege of watching Andy work with the scouts for a number of years as a Scoutmaster but found out today that Bill is also doing some scouting in his assignment with the stake. Apparently he earned an award so I asked Cathy if she would send me the pictures for the blog and tell me what Bill was doing to earn something called the Wood Badge. She replied back and told me that the--"Wood Badge is a six day, scout leader training. At the end of the experience, you set five goals called "tickets" related to improving the scouting program within your responsibility. Then you go home to work your tickets. When you finish all five tickets, you receive a new kerchief and the leather string with two beads at the end. (I'm not sure I got the beads in the picture). Bill's favorite ticket was planning and holding a training for cub scout leaders about including youth with disabilities in cub scouts. He got a lot of good feedback from it and it seems to be making a difference in the dens." Thanks Cathy! Love hearing about this and I have been really proud of Andy and Bill for supporting the scout program over the years since. I believe Bill, Andy and Ben learned much as they moved through the different scouting programs beginning in Cub Scouts. It is now exciting to see the grandsons begin to repeat some of those experiences.
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