Indexing Delaware Marriage Records |

I have worked on a couple of projects that involved family history. One was putting together a wedding scrapbook for Rachel and Austin and I started indexing records again. Right now I am working on marriage records from Delaware. I read a quote that really made me realize how important preserving memories are and getting the information right. I have been gathering documents of ancestors and found a birth certificate for Don Leta Crow. In my records I had Don as a male but the birth certificate corrected that assumption for me and yesterday I was able to put the correct name which was Don Letha Crow and corrected her gender! Elder Neuenschwander made the following statement, "A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory. What a tragedy this can be in a history of a family. Knowledge of our ancestors shapes us and instills within us values that give direction and meaning to our lives." I am grateful that I am able to preserve memories for our family.

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