Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Let the Vacation Begin

Yesterday the California Duncan's headed to the East coast where they will be meeting up with Ellis and Lexy.  They will soon be in Montreal, Canada so Ellis and Lexy can show them around their mission areas.  Aunt Angela and Ava are excited to use some of their language skills in French! 

Caleb's Camp

Before leaving for vacation Caleb enjoyed a camping trip with his friends from church.  

Happy Birthday Angela!

 47 Years Old

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Church in Italy

 Lincoln was able to attend church today in Italy.  When he came in they welcomed him and sat by him to translate the talks.  After church they drove him back to his hotel.   

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Lincoln left for Italy on Sunday.  His classes began today.and he sent these pictures of the area he is at right now.  He will be traveling to towns throughout Italy and return to BYU in early September.  

Back to School!

I can't explain why any school in Arizona would begin classes the last week in July but they do.  Today Jane, Duncan, Eden, and Graham began another school year.

Graham is now in 3rd Grade

Eden is now in 5th Grade

Duncan is a Freshman

Jane is a Senior

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Utah Duncan's

Over the weekend Uncle Bill and Aunt Cathy along with Katie, Abby, Brigham, and Will went to see a play at the Tuacahn Outdoor Theater and then did a little sight seeing around the area.  This morning Uncle Bill and Abby went to see the July 24th parade floats.  

A Blast From the Past!

 July 2008--Utah Family Reunion

Sunday, July 21, 2024

More Pictures!

They had a Duncan Donut Bar after the services! 

Reverend Duncan

I had a proud grandma moment today as I watched Owen ordained and installed as a Pastor in the Faith Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida.  It was a beautiful and touching service and I loved all the counsel given to Owen during the service.  I have to admit that I enjoyed one of the titles given to him by one of his fellow servants.  He reminded Owen he was not the shephard but he now serves the Shephard.  He then told Owen he was now a Sheep Dog!  Another moment that touched my heart was when one of the ordained ministers as he walked up to give counsel to Owen he paused a moment and touched Evangelne on the head.  He knows that Owen has a big responsibility but our beautiful Evangeline will also share much of the responsibility to serve the people in the church.  Faith Luthern Church will have two wonderful people serving them!  (I am including some pictures but the quality is wanting!)

Oh Pioneer!

July 24th is an important part of our church history.  Today I attended church with the Whitney's so I'd be home to watch Owen being installed and ordained which was going to happen while my church was meeting.  I'm so glad I was there to see what the children in Primary did to celebrate the Saints coming into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847.  Aunt Amy serves as the President of the organization and she worked with the music leader to make it a special activity for the children to remember those early pioneers who after being driven from Nauvoo, Illinoise walked across the plains to begin a new life in Utah.  Aunt Amy made the campfire! The kids sang pioneer songs, and the Bishop came dressed for the occasion and shared a message of those courageous pioneers!  Today your cousin Owen is going to begin a journey to serve the Savior in Florida.  He is a pioneer!

Duncan--15 Years Old


Graham--8 Years Old


Baptism Brunch

Last week I shared pictures of Graham's Baptism.  After the baptism everyone was invited back to the house where Aunt Amy put a beautiful breakfast together for us.  Here are some pictures of that.  I also included a picture of a cake Jane decorated for Graham that we enjoyed that evening with all the family who were able to come.