Sunday, July 21, 2024

Reverend Duncan

I had a proud grandma moment today as I watched Owen ordained and installed as a Pastor in the Faith Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida.  It was a beautiful and touching service and I loved all the counsel given to Owen during the service.  I have to admit that I enjoyed one of the titles given to him by one of his fellow servants.  He reminded Owen he was not the shephard but he now serves the Shephard.  He then told Owen he was now a Sheep Dog!  Another moment that touched my heart was when one of the ordained ministers as he walked up to give counsel to Owen he paused a moment and touched Evangelne on the head.  He knows that Owen has a big responsibility but our beautiful Evangeline will also share much of the responsibility to serve the people in the church.  Faith Luthern Church will have two wonderful people serving them!  (I am including some pictures but the quality is wanting!)

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