Thursday, July 18, 2024

Keeping me Humble

I love having Meg here and she is truly awesome.  I have to admit though that she can really humble me and this picture will prove my point!  After Grandpa died I decided I would pick up a hobby that he always loved--putting puzzles together.  For him it was the bigger the better.  So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a 300 piece puzzle (because I have a very short attention span!) and each Sunday after church I would get my puzzle out and would work on it until bedtime.  Yes it took me hours but I was very proud of myself when I finished.  Now enters my beautiful granddaughter and I had one of my 300 piece puzzles and asked if she'd like to put it together.  She did--in about an hour!  I then offered her a trip to Hobby Lobby where she found two puzzles.  One with 500 pieces and the other 1,000.  She is impressive because she started the 500 pieces puzzle and had that one finished in just a couple of hours.  Not only does she have a great eye for matching puzzle pieces she has a much more refined attention span than me.  And actually she doesn't need to have a good attention span because she is like the superhero Flash when she sits down to put her puzzle together.  

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