Sunday, March 31, 2019

Caregiver Tips

#21  You can't live in fear
I am realizing on a daily basis how little I know about the progress of this disease.  I have found that when I start getting into a "groove" that is when things will again change.  I loved a quote by Elder Holland.  He said; "Don't wait to live.  This isn't a rehearsal; this isn't a dry run; this isn't a pre-performance routine.  This is it.  This is real life.  Don't wait.  Savor every minute."  I try each day to embrace that thought.  Life will go on in spite of my hesitancy and so I have to remember to stop waiting for the next shoe to drop.  When it happens that will be the time to deal with it.  Anticipating only causes me to worry needlessly.  Often what I think will happen doesn't and what I don't expect will become our new norm.

I have learned so much about Grandpa through this process and I have also learned so much about myself.  I am definitely being refined and that thought encourages me.  It tells me that Heavenly Father truly believes in me and puts challenges in each day to make me reach a little higher and to be a little better.  I am developing a sense of empathy that surprises me.  I have to be honest and tell you that I often pray that Grandpa will not have to linger in this "stupor" for much longer but I also pray that I will have the strength to help him until he is released from what we often call this frail existence!  Elaine Dalton taught, "Life teaches us that we can achieve happiness when we seek the happiness and well-being of others."  I am proof that that is the true.

When President Nelson was interviewed by the Arizona Republic on a recent visit here, he said such a profound and true statement.  "If there is anything, I've learned in my 94 years of living, it is that a life with God is far better--more filled with hope, than one without Him.  Faith in God is, and has always been the preeminent force for good in this world.  It is the most enduring source of peace for minds and hearts."  I have been able to enjoy that knowledge numerous times in this process.  I have received personal witness that God lives, that He loves your grandpa and He loves me.  Please know grandkids that you don't have to wait until you feel so beat down you aren't sure how to move forward because nothing that you may be dealing with can't be made better by a loving Father and a Savior who wants you to be strong and to keep fighting the good fight.

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