Monday, August 19, 2024

Salt Lake City Temple

After having the opportunity to see Bill sustained as a Bishop on Sunday, and set apart afterwards by his Stake President, I drove to Draper where I was able to attend the sacrament meeting, and listen to Perry give an excellent talk.  Both experiences were wonderful!  When I left Draper I decided to drive farther north and see the progress that is being made on the Salt Lake Temple.  I took a few pictures from the car.  I look forward to being able to return after all the work is complete and walk the temple grounds.  It was in that temple that I fainted.  When I was revived I said to the temple worker who was sitting by me, "I'm sorry.  I think I'm a little bit pregnant."  She sweetly responded, "Honey, there is no little bit about it!"  She was right because almost nine months later I had a beautiful baby boy and we named him after his Granddad William Lambert and Grandpa Louis Clifford Duncan.  

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