Sunday, December 2, 2018


There isn't a nicer sound than the cooing of a pigeon and there isn't anything more annoying than bird droppings all over your front porch because the pigeons decided they live at your house.  I have tried to focus on the positive but when I discovered two pigeons had made a home in the eave by our front door--that has become a challenge.  I called my bird expert who gave me permission to evict the unwanted tenants.  I got my second bird expert to come over and do the dirty work (and it was DIRTY!).  Lincoln had to literally saw out the nest which was like a bunch of twigs filled with bird droppings which were as heavy as concrete.  Once that was done the birds had to come out which took our long armed Uncle Christian.  As soon as he got them out Lincoln went back up the ladder and filled the space with bricks so they wouldn't make themselves comfortable again.  Then the guilt began for me as the two birds stood in front of the bricks trying to figure out how to get their home back.  I felt pretty guilty until I started washing off the porch!  Although two of the birds were evicted--don't fret--there are about 30 who sit on the top of the roof watching my every move!  I wish I hadn't watched Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds!

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