Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day!  Of course as you probably know I say that about every holiday.  Since moving back to Arizona I have had the opportunity to participate in the Whitney tradition which was our tradition when your parents were growing up in our house.  Elder Featherstone gave a sweet talk about his daughter making bags that hung on each door the week previous to Valentine's day.  He talked about how each day he was so excited to come home and see what was in the bag.  They were Valentines that his daughter had made for each of her siblings and parents.  He commented to his wife how sweet she was to do this.  Then his wife taught him a valuable lesson.  She said that each day their daughter also looked in her bag to see what Valentine's she received and often found it empty.  He was so saddened that he had thought only of himself and so he went in and sat down and wrote lots of Valentine notes to go into her bag.  At the time I was very touched by that story and decided that we would also decorate bags for our bedroom doors.  It was so fun watching the different things the boys and Amy did to make their personality come out on the bags. Now so many years later I loved sharing in a tradition started in our home and seeing it done at the Whitney's house.  The bags were amazing and I had a great time copying ideas from Pinterest so I could contribute to a week of recognition.  I don't think we can say enough about how much we love and admire each other in our homes.  The world would dismiss our value but in each home we can celebrate in such simple ways.  I've included a cute Valentine box that with help from Ruth and Aunt Amy, Eden made for her class party.  I thought it turned out really cute!  I also had a Valentine dinner last night and thankfully the Whitney's came!  I had more fun decorating the table than making the food.  Thank you Aunt Angela!  She set a high mark for quality presentation and I am trying to embrace her vision when I put a party together!

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