Sunday, July 28, 2019


It has been a while since I did an update on Dad.  On Friday afternoon we went to our new primary care doctor for the incidental things that need to be taken care of outside of dad's Alzheimer needs.  It went as expected.  The person who recommended him said he was very knowledgeable about the disease and she was right.  Everyone who worked with dad was very patient and calm which made it easier to deal with his anxiety.  He explained to me what I had already been told by our neurologist and urologist.  Dad's care would be for comfort and pain control but nothing more would be done to prolong life when the time comes that he is no longer able to function.   No blood work was done because of that but I, on the other hand, will be given all the different tests as a starting point to monitor my health.  His comment to me was that I need to take care of myself so I can take care of dad the way I want to.  I appreciate that.  Even better they have a lab on site so all of the work can be done right there.  They have also set us up with a nurse who I can contact any time any questions come up and she will make the recommendations as to care for comfort that we can give him.  He weighed 133 lbs and I'm not willing to share my weight with anyone!  I told the doctor that I think that he eats about 1/4 cup of food at each meal and sometimes less depending on what I put before him.  I talked to him about the M & Ms and his response was "let him eat all the candy he wants!" Needless to say he didn't offer me the same option!

This month we had wonderful visitors from California, Sierra Vista, Virginia, North Dakota and of course, Gilbert.  It was such a treat for me and although I know it is a little overwhelming for dad today he came in and said to me, "all those people that come are such nice people!"  I feel the same way.  What would I do without the wonderful family who touch bases throughout the week? Who have given up their time to come and visit us.  Amy thanks me all the time for moving here so she gets to see all of you more often!  I have so appreciated the company and the confusion when everyone is playing and talking and laughing and some times screaming.  It has lifted my spirits!  I can't thank Amy enough for helping with the local trips and dinners, and activities to hopefully make some good memories while company is here.

On a closing note I'd like to share a sweet experience we had at the barber shop.  Thank heavens dad's hair grows very slow.  I think the poor barber gave the fastest hair cut of his career and the whole time dad was trying to get up, pushing the barber's hand away and loudly proclaiming that he hated the whole business!  Everyone around seem to take it in stride and when we got outside the owner followed us out of the barbershop.  He originally gave me his daughter's name for care information and she came and met with me about a month ago.  He gave me his card with his phone number on it and said when I was ready for another haircut I was to call him and he would come to our house and see if that is any easier for him.  I'm not sure that dad will do any better at home but I'm sure his customers won't mind!  I love kind people!!!

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