Friday, December 13, 2019

Update on Will

Today was the doctor's appointment at the Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake.  They spent an hour and half  with the doctor who Bill said was wonderful and very good at explaining what was happening.  Will has something similar but not as severe as Rachel because her issues have affected her heart.  Will has such low pressure that it has affected his circulation and because the blood doesn't move through his body he is prone to fatigue.  Apparently this particular condition often involves more than one family member so not surprising that Will and Rachel have similar conditions.  Will's heart has not been affected and they spent a good deal of time talking about things that Will will need to do.  First they will be communicating with a Physical Therapist (who apparently has a daughter with the same issues but has it in control and plays on a volleyball team now) and he will work with helping Will adapt to the issues that he will have.  Mainly now is the extreme fatigue.  They were told that he is to have a high sodium diet (get the potato chips out!) and is to drink a great deal of water.  They will also be having him drink protein shakes.  He is to wear compression socks at least up to his knees which will force the blood back up and into his heart.  He is also not to take hot showers, or go into hot tubs.  The bathroom basically is off limits except to take care of business because of the concern that he can faint and fall and get injured.  When those who are coming for Linc's farewell Cathy and Bill can give you much better information that I can but this is the basic gist so far. 

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