Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy 4th of July!

I have heard many polls that have been taken that say that there are far to  many people who are not proud of be an American.  I love that we live in a country where we can stand up and without fear of reprisal say such things--even though I can't comprehend their short-sightedness.  I am not proud of the leaders that are in charge of our country right now.  I appreciated President Trump's ability to see a problem and work to make improvements but was saddened that his caustic personality often overshadowed the good he was doing.  But I have also lived on this earth long enough to know that we have freedoms that others can't even comprehend.  If you doubt that, ask the question, "Why are thousands of people breaking our laws to come into the United States."  Our country does have issues that need to be worked on and resolved.  Believe me I see daily and visit with many homeless in my car and the tragedy of their lives often overwhelms me.  But I also see all the agencies who work so hard on the behalf of these painful people who have slipped through the cracks and believe there is no hope for them.  So although I am not always proud of our leaders--I am ALWAYS GRATEFUL that I live in a country with a beautiful flag that makes me catch my breath when I see it flying and where I do know that at least I am free to disagree, vote, change my mind, and express my opinions and work hard so that I don't become someone else's problem.

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