Friday, July 29, 2022


I have had many impressions lately that my life needs to be more in balance.  It became out of balance as I was no longer a wife to a husband who needed me day and night.  It became so when I needed to get out of the house each day and work.  It was out of balance as I have had to learn how to be alone.  It had been out of balance when I met people each day who were in my car for a short amount of time and yet in those brief moments I wanted to tell them that I cared about them even if I couldn't remove the trials they dealt with each day.  

President Nelson taught a group of children the following when he was asked, "Is it hard to be a Prophet?  Are you like, really busy?  He told the little girl, “Of course it’s hard. Everything to do with becoming more like the Savior is difficult. For example, when God wanted to give the Ten Commandments to Moses, where did He tell Moses to go? Up on top of a mountain, on the top of Mount Sinai. So Moses had to walk all the way up to the top of that mountain to get the Ten Commandments. Now, Heavenly Father could have said, ‘Moses, you start there, and I’ll start here, and I’ll meet you halfway.’ No, the Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it."

As I have thought about my life that seemed to be out of balance, I needed to remember what President Nelson taught those children.  And although I sometimes feel like I should be doing more, I also feel wonderful when perspectives gives me a better definition of balance.  I am being reminded that it isn't what I lack.  It's recognizing what I am doing right.  It's the importance of sometimes looking at our lives, focusing on what may seem to be off balance but feeling grateful that we can recognize where we're lacking, and then figure out how to make it better.  And the best part of all of this is knowing that the Lord loves effort!

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