Thursday, August 18, 2022

Did you Know?

Today is my sisters 66th Birthday.  I realized that many of my grandkids (probably all of you) didn't know that I had a sister.  I thought I'd take some time to share some memories I have of her.  Just before she was born I was told that I could choose her name.  I wanted to name her Cathy Lambert and that apparently wasn't what my parents were hoping for so they convinced me that Kitty Sue was a better name.  I was okay with that.  She was our pride and joy.  She always had a big smile on her face and was adored by all of us.  If you will notice in pictures of her she had really small eyes.  By the time she was three she started wearing really thick glasses.  For me she was like a baby doll.  We shared a room and she often ended up in my bed before the night was over.  I was six years older than her and so I was in high school when she was in elementary school.  She had a problem with other kids bullying her and it was so bad that eventually my parents took her out of the school and moved her to another one.  Once a boy pulled the chair away as she went to sit down and she ended up with a broken tailbone.  When I was a senior I heard her yelling and I went to see what was wrong.  There was a group of kids following her, throwing things at her, pulling her hair, shoving her, and kicking her.  I went out the door ready to beat everyone of them up but when they saw me coming they all scattered.  She had spit in her hair, scraped knees and elbows.  In high school she seemed to have a nice group of friends.  Many of them from church and she was always involved in something.  Kitty married three times and sadly everyone of them were pretty much creepy, useless men.  She had three children Stefan, Kanaiah and Geoffrey while married to her first husband.  In about 2005 she met a woman and they moved to New York and have lived there since then.  When gay marriage was legalized they were married.  Grandpa and I went and saw them while we were on our mission and she seemed to be doing well.  I have had no further contact since that time. 

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