Friday, April 19, 2019

Caregiver Tip

#23 Embrace tender mercies
I have had this thought on my mind for a long time and remembered a talk that was given by Elder David A. Bednar (Thanks Bill!) in the April 2005 General Conference.  It was entitled The Tender Mercies of the Lord.  In 1 Nephi 1:20 in the Book of Mormon we read, "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.  It feels good to know that I and everyone else can be chosen, if we are willing to exercise faith and then experience tender mercies in our life.  Elder Bednar said, "I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence.  Often, the Lord's timing of His tender mercies helps us to both discern and acknowledge them."   I have been the recipient of so many tender mercies and those brief moments have buoyed me up again and again.  I wanted to share one that occurred this week that will stay in my heart for a long time.   As many of you know, mornings are difficult at best and sometimes I lay in bed giving myself a pep talk before I sit up, because I know exactly what will happen once I do.  It has been a wonderful experience this week to walk out of the bedroom each morning and see Austin (our grandson-in-law) sitting at the kitchen table.  Austin and Rachel and Katie and Bruce had come for a short visit.  Austin is an early riser just like Grandpa was before he got sick.  For a brief second each morning I looked to Austin and received a sweet smile.  That smile did amazing things for me.  It helped me  remember what a productive person Grandpa always was.  I remembered how he quietly went about his day getting ready for work, or for church, or for gardening in our yard.  I remembered his quiet sweetness which I seldom experience any more.  And that tender mercy was something I really needed right then.. 

Elder Bednar reminds us that "the Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ."  How grateful I have been of the Lord's timing in helping me move through this difficult process.  How reassured I continually feel that I am not fighting this battle alone.  I have people both on earth and in Heaven offering help and comfort.  And knowing we are not alone means everything to me.  Dear grandchildren life was never meant to be easy.  Those struggles, whatever they may be, are a part of the process to build strength, give us courage, and teach us lessons that we would not understand without the challenges we face.  Embrace them and embrace the tender mercies that often come in the process.

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