Friday, May 31, 2019


I had been meaning to give an update on dad for a couple of days but this morning the reason for waiting became more apparent.  At about 4:45 a.m. I woke to dad putting the covers back so he could get up.  I assumed he was going to the bathroom.  The next thing I hear is a huge bang and fall.  I started to get up and again the same thing happened.  I told him to stay down while I came over and I turned on the light to find him laying on the ground.  He couldn't tell me what happened and when I tried to get him up he said he hurt and couldn't help me.  I realized that I couldn't do it by myself and got the phone to call 911.  As I started to call he had a seizure (not as intense as his previous one) and began to jerk and shake and his eyes rolled back in his head.  The paramedics were here in about 10 minutes.  It took four of them to lift him and get him back in bed.  There is no visible sign of injury and he has been asleep since they left.  This is kind of what happened the first time.  He had no recollection of what had happened and then slept for several hours afterwards. 

I don't know what any of this means.  Once he wakes up I will have more information about rather he can stand and move around.  In the final stages of the disease they do forget how to walk and I don't know if this is the beginning or if it is a fluke.  I'm hoping for the fluke.  With the exception of what happened this morning he has been doing pretty good.  I do see some limited abilities but nothing severe.  He basically sits on the couch much of the time and still paces around the house like before.  He doesn't remember how to go to the bathroom from either direction now but if I pay close attention I can get him into the restroom before any accidents.  He eats pretty well most of the time and his anger level is almost gone.  He still is a loud talker (yeller!) but not because he is upset of anything like that.  I realized this morning while I was laying beside him watching him breathe that it is probably time to call for information on getting prepared for extra help before to much longer.  The paramedics asked if I wanted to have him go to the hospital but I declined.  I already know what they will say and eventually the only thing we can do is keep him safe and comfortable. 

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