Sunday, November 10, 2019


Dear Grandchildren,

I have been thinking a lot about this for some time and feel that I'd like to share some thoughts.  First I believe the earth is changing.  But not the way that the alarmists portray it.  This earth was created under the direction of a loving Heavenly Father and just as any creation the earth will continually change.  Do we have a responsibility to do our part in keeping the planet clean.  Absolutely.  Should we plant trees and conserve water and maintain our forests.  Without a doubt.  Should scientists continually study ways to preserve this beautiful planet.  Of course.  But should we run around crying "the sky is falling!" Absolutely not.  I believe there is a beginning and an end but fortunately I know that Heavenly Father is the creator, the fixer and the redeemer along with His Son and our Savior.  When He says "enough" and He will--everything that we have been taught in the plan of happiness  will occur.  It is not to be feared but to be embraced.

When I was a young mother all I heard was population explosion and how we needed to not have children.  I have witnessed countries who believed and adopted that mindset.  They are paying a huge price because of it.  I am so grateful I questioned the validity of those naysayers.   It is frightening to hear of the casual disposal of a human being because having a child is inconvenient or not planned.  It broke my heart to hear of young women who publicly vowed to never have children and took steps that would prevent that from happening.  What a sad future they have doomed themselves to endure.  I was shocked to hear a number of presidential candidates proclaim that to save the planet we should not be having children.  To do that will be a guaranteed outcome that will promote both physical and spiritual destruction.

We have been taught "men are that they might have joy."  I personally believe that our greatest joy is that of family.  The family that began with Adam and Eve and has existed from the beginning of time.  To rewrite God's laws to appease the ignorance of men and women is a story sadly written.  When I took my firstborn son in my arms it was the most divine experience of my life.  And with each child who came after him reaffirmed that God is good and that He has incredible love for mankind.  The courage of your parents to walk a little in the darkness as they welcomed each of you into their lives is a testimony of the most important thing that we will ever do while on His earth--To welcome His children and to continue to create families.

In time each of you will have to decide what you will do.  I hope that you will really think of what kind of future you will have if you decide that what you want is more important than what God wants.  If I have learned anything in my life it is that every choice has a consequence.  I can only hope that your consequences will be full of joy!

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