Friday, October 30, 2015

Madi's Missionary Moment!

I love this young woman because Amy talks about her all the time and loves her so much.  She just entered the MTC and will be serving in Equador for the next 18 months.  This was part of the letter she sent her family and Amy shared it with me.  I had to share it!  She is amazing and very insightful.  Best wishes Madi--you are going to be an amazing missionary!

Dear family and friends,

This place is amazing. I am seriously in awe everyday. Where else in the world can you find 1,500 young adults that go to bed at 10:30 every night and actually SURVIVE without a cell phone?! It blows my mind! This week has been absolutely insane. To help simplify all the craziness, I summed it up. I call it:

10 FUN FACTS ABOUT THE MTC (according to Hermana Bryce) :

1. The first day in the MTC is the longest day of your life. 
It never seemed to end! I would look down and be amazed that I was still wearing the exact same outfit I had been wearing on the plane that morning. I was so overwhelmed by the spanish and the Spirit and it was a relief to go to bed that night. They promised it would get easier, and it most certainly does! 

2. Elders are still just teenage boys.
It is just a fact. Sorry about it. 

3. Receiving letters is the BEST feeling in the world!! 
My district hates me because of how many letters I get. I am seriously spoiled! Even if it is just a little note to say hi, it makes my day! I LOVE LETTERS. (wink wink)

4. You will learn more Spanish in the first week at the MTC than in all of high school. 
It is so true. It is incredible how real the gifts of tongues is. I have already taught six lessons in Spanish, and we have another one tonight! I was asked to say the prayer in class yesterday, and I was SHOCKED when I realized I had just said a prayer in Spanish. Also, I no longer have the ability to say the word, "Yes." Everything is, "Si." It is actually really fun. 

5. Even when you think your lesson is a complete failure, the Spirit does amazing things. 
We taught a lesson last night, and we thought it was the biggest fail of a lesson ever. We were pretty discouraged because we had been SO excited going into it. After talking to our teacher, we realized what actually happened. He translated some things for us, and we found out that our investigator actually understood us and felt the Spirit touch his heart. SERIOUSLY SO COOL. 

6. First names do not exist here. 
I accidently said my first name out loud and it made me jump. It sounded so unfamiliar and strange. This places changes you. (In a very very good way!)

7. Yes, your companions will eventually get tired of you saying, "Wow. It is so cold here!" 
They will also get tired of you saying, "That mountain is AMAZING!" and "Seriously?! That tree is RED. Like RED RED. It is so beautiful!" In my trio, I am the only Hermana not from Utah. They think I am being silly, but they totally take this stuff for granted. It is gorgeous here. I LOVE it. Also, it is suppose to SNOW next week. SNOW. Soy pumped. 

8. Two companions are better than one. 
I am lucky enough to be placed in a trio. :) Hermana Davis is serving in Washington and Hermana Riley is serving in Ecuador with me!! They are seriously so great. I love them. We each bring something different and it makes our lessons go so well. We are having so much fun. We are also the only sisters in our district. I like to think we help the Elder's stay on track. ;)

9. Being apart of the MTC choir is the BEST!
Join the choir. Just do it. It is incredible. I actually just mouthed most of the song because it was was too high. It is even better when you get to sing for AN APOSTLE OF THE LORD. Neil L. Andersen came for our devotional on Tuesday night. How is that for a first week? :) He brought such a special spirit and some much needed motivation. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME.

10. I was wrong about my purpose as a missionary. 
I thought I knew what it meant to be a missionary. I have learned so much this week. It really comes down to love. Love for the gospel. Love for the Savior. Love for your companions. Love for the people. It is so important. We invite others to come unto Christ through love! 

I love and miss you all SO MUCH. Have an amazing week! 

Hermana Bryce

**I do have to say that right now #2 is probably accurate but we have seen new Elders come and it is amazing how much they grow up in just a few weeks in the mission field.  You will be pleasantly surprised at the amazing young men they become!

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