Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I wanted to share with all of you something that happened today.  Aunt Amy watched Grandpa for me while I went to Physical Therapy.  We ate lunch together when I got back.  Most of you know that Aunt Amy took Duncan out of school to work with him because he isn't reading.  She took him for an assessment for Dyslexia (which the school refused to acknowledge) and then she spent months reading everything that she could do to help him overcome the challenge.  The first thing she had to do was teach him the alphabet which when she did the first assessment he knew about half of the letters.  From that point she started the program of having him know each letter.  Not by singing the song!  The goal of the program was to teach him the letters and have him be able to say them from Z to A.  Amy works each day with him and today I asked him how things were going and he showed me by first reciting the alphabet from z to a!  Duncan LOVES being read to and I know it has bothered him that he wasn't reading as well of the other children.  I believe that the "light bulb" is about to come on.  Good job Duncan and good job Aunt Amy.

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