Thursday, January 24, 2019

Update on Grandpa

I smile as I think of what I have to tell you about grandpa.  For those of you who have been around the last six weeks you are aware that Grandpa can be loud.  Today I took him with me to the Arizona MVD (CA's DMV) so I could get an Arizona driver's license.  I was prepared to leave because I expected it would be the nightmare of the DMV.  I was pleasantly surprised that everything seemed very organized and not particularly crowded.  A great part of getting a new license here is that I wasn't required to take a test!  In 30 minutes I had a new photo  (terrible looking picture--although I was smiling) and showed all the proper ID which included a birth certificate and paid my $17.00 fee.  Everyone in line (in every line!) knew that Grandpa did not like being there and even yelled at such a nice gentleman who was trying to distract him.  I know it is my own fault for putting him in that situation but sometimes I just need to get something done and this was one of those times. 

In spite of this challenging situation Grandpa is doing so much better.  He is mellowing out each day.  He is sleeping until at least 5:30 each morning and still goes to bed at 6:30 each night.  Throughout the day he takes little cat naps but he doesn't insist that he has to get in bed any more.  Because of the injury I realized that it was time to switch over to Depends and that has been such a great decision.  When he does have the occasional accident it isn't everywhere and clean up is much less stressful for him and for me.  Another thing that Bev helped me realize is that he will eat better if I sit with him while he does.  His appetite has increased and it takes little coaxing to have him finish his meal.  He follows me around which is fine and although television doesn't hold his attention most of the time he will watch it for short periods of time.  Taking his pills are hit and miss.  I have learned to not rush everything.  Slowing down the start of our day has made a huge difference.  Although you know he loves all of you (even if he doesn't remember that) he functions best with a quiet environment.  Now that we are on our own it is easier to provide that sense of calm with him.  I continue to try different things and I listen closely to the promptings I receive, in answer to prayers I give, so I can do what will help him the most.  All in all he is doing just as expected in the process of the disease.

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