Sunday, January 27, 2019

We did it!

It took one fail, one okay, and finally one success.  I had wanted to get back to at least Sacrament meetings when we moved here but the 9 a.m. start time wasn't going to work for us.  When our meeting time changed to 10 a.m. I was ready to give it a try.  The first meeting we attended lasted until about 9:58 when we had to leave because Grandpa was getting louder and louder and refused to sit down.  I had an idea that we would try to go to Christian and Amy's ward where there would be people he knew.  As it turned out he had quite a melt down when I was getting him dressed, which involved taking his suit coat off and throwing at me a number of times--but I persevered.  We got to the meeting as they were singing the opening hymn and although he was a little loud the music drowned him out.  He did really well throughout the rest of the program.  This week I wanted to take him to our ward and try again to get him in the habit of the process.  I scheduled it so that the meeting was already started and we sat in the back by the exit door.  He did great.  He doesn't have a low volume but we didn't seem to disrupt those sitting around us.  Probably because there was so many little children who kept the noise level at a comfortable and drown out Grandpa level.  As the last speaker bore his testimony in Japanese he told me he wanted to go.  Perfect!  I am happy to deal with a Sunday melt down if we can get him to church and I can partake of the sacrament!

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