Thursday, April 16, 2020


I'm not sure what I was expecting but the reality of dad's illness hit me in the face today.  I made him some instant oatmeal which he has been eating each morning without any problems.  I sat down beside him and offered him a small spoonful.  After some coaxing I was able to get a little of it in his mouth thinking that when he tasted it he would want more.  He just sat there without responding.  I didn't try to give him any more and called to talk to the nurse about what might be happening.  She said to try a spoonful of juice and see if he would swallow it.  He didn't and it dribbled back out of his mouth.  She said not to give him anything else and they would come out this afternoon.  In the final stage of Alzheimer's the brain doesn't tell the body to swallow.  Dad is at that point..  After consulting with the doctor he will no longer be given food or drink.  I have little sponges to wet his lips and tongue.  The concern is that he will breathe in the food or liquid and will then develop pneumonia.  Starting today he will be given morphine every two hours.  This will control the pain which I think he is still having from the fall.  I've noticed for a few days he is also having terrible cramps in his legs as well.  The morphine will numb the hunger pangs.  I'm not sure how long he will live at this point.  Every doctor we have dealt with from the beginning of the diagnosis has explained comfort care.  Dad wasn't going to get better and everything now will be done to keep him comfortable and calm.  I will continue to pray that he will go gently and hope you will also pray for him as he prepares for the grand reunions with people he loves and we mourn his leaving us. 

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